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Join our next webinar: Why social media has to be part of your patient recruitment strategy

Aad Liefveld
5152 (updated: 23-07-2020 12:50)
20-09-2016 17:56

Online patient recruitment has proven to be a valuable strategy for finding the right subjects for the majority of the clinical trials. The very large online population accessible on the many social media platforms and the ability to specifically target the study population in the advertisement campaigns make online recruitment the tool of choice.

Join our next webinar and learn why social media must be part of your patient recruitment strategy.

During this very interactive webinar Simon Klaasen and Susanne Cruijff will explain

  • What the potential is of social media in your patient recruitment strategy
  • How social media can accelerate your clinical trial
  • How study awareness campaigns can be targeted to your study population
  • How social media can save costs and minimize worries

 Click here for more information and registration.

Date: 11 October 2016
Time: 3.30 PM (CET) (The webinar will take 20 minutes)

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