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BEAMER project; BEhavioral and Adherence Model for improving quality, health outcomes and cost-Effectiveness of healthcaRe

Aad Liefveld
1406 (updated: 10-01-2025 11:47)
10-11-2021 11:46

It doesn't get more patient centric than this!

BEAMER the latest EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) initiative is about finding a new and effective way to improve patient adherence to treatment. 

BEAMER will focus on assessing and understanding patient needs. At Link2Trials we are honored to be part of a very motivated team that is eager to get patients better support, help HCP's better understand the patient's needs, and enable the Pharma industry to develop products and services that are better aligned to the patient's needs.

BEAMER Project

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