Simon Klaasen
14-04-2023 13:44
As part of their blog series “Lighting The Way”, the BEAMER project interviews team members to discuss one of the six dimensions of quality care—safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity—related to treatment adherence.
For the second edition they spoke with Prof. Dr. João Filipe Raposo (Clinical Director of the patient...
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Aad Liefveld
31-10-2022 13:32
Medication Non-Adherence in Rheumatology, Oncology and Cardiology: A Review of the Literature of Risk Factors and Potential Interventions
A very interesting read, shared by our BEAMER colleagues at Pfizer. It identifies not only risk factors for adherence in three disease areas, but also the potentially most effective interventions to improve adherence. The conclusions of this...
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Simon Klaasen
26-09-2022 13:27
Over a year of hard work from the BEAMER team and the first deliverables are a fact.
Aad Liefveld shared the deliverables for Work Package 1, where the team analyzed the available literature to establish a solid background on the behavioral model that will be used.
32 theoretical behavioral models have been identified and analyzed in different areas like actionability and patient...
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Simon Klaasen
17-08-2022 12:43
A must-read for anyone who wants to understand what impact tailored behavioral interventions can have on adherence!
This is precisely why we have developed our adherence support services for clinical studies. Thank you for sharing your insights, Dr Katerina Kassavou, Chimweta Chilala and Professor Stephen Sutton of the University of Cambridge.
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27-05-2022 21:05
At Link2Trials we are excited to be part of this latest initiative to develop a model to predict adherence behavior.
This model will help healthcare providers to better support patients and enable the pharma industry to develop better products and services.
What a great BEAMER team we have! So many wonderful, interesting and foremost focused and motivated people!...
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Aad Liefveld
05-11-2022 19:50
Did you miss last week's BEAMER webinar?
Kicking off our BEAMER webinar series this month, we explore the scope of non-adherence with expert panelists from across the EU.BEAMERBEhavioral and Adherence Model for improving quality, health outcomes and cost-Effectiveness of healthcaRe
Click below and watch...
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Aad Liefveld
10-11-2021 11:46
It doesn't get more patient centric than this!BEAMER the latest EFPIA - European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) initiative is about finding a new and effective way to improve patient adherence to treatment.
BEAMER will focus on assessing and understanding patient needs. At Link2Trials we are honored to be part...
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Aad Liefveld
25-05-2021 09:01
When discussing patient adherence during clinical trials, most people will say that on average it is high and that the issue of non-adherence really surfaces during clinical care. But is this true or are we missing something in clinical trials? I think we are missing something, and the issue is far greater than we think it is.
Early drop-out during clinical trials has always been and still is an...
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Aad Liefveld
22-12-2020 17:02
In the past few months the healthcare industry has sped up the adoption and implementation of digital remote healthcare solutions to meet patients’ health-related preferences and at the same time overcome the challenges of social distancing and limited human interaction. The pharmaceutical industry is also moving forward on the subject of virtual and hybrid clinical trials.
The many...
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Aad Liefveld
19-09-2020 11:05
Join Link2Trials and EFPIA-IMI to improve patient adherence!
It is official now! A few weeks ago we have received confirmation from the EFPIA Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) that Link2Trials has been accepted as Associated Partner for the patient adherence improvement project (Call 23, Topic 6).
Patient non-adherence to prescribed treatment is an issue that affects patient health outcomes...
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Aad Liefveld
12-12-2018 07:06
Today early drop-out still is a major challenge we must deal with when running clinical trials. The past few years patient centricity and patient engagement initiatives have generated major improvements. This is the second in a series of articles about a different perspective on the subject and a new and innovative approach to improve early drop-out rates.
Communicating information...
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Aad Liefveld
05-12-2018 09:34
Today early drop-out still is a major challenge we must deal with when running clinical trials. The past few years patient centricity and patient engagement initiatives have generated major improvements. This is the first in a series of articles about a different perspective on the subject and a new and innovative approach to improve early drop-out rates.
Early Drop-out; still a major...
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Aad Liefveld
21-11-2018 19:26
A plea to express gratitude
Recently, I shared an editorial article from Nature on LinkedIn about the value and importance of true patient engagement in clinical trials. Involving patients from the earliest start of the clinical trial can and will lead to more effective and feasible clinical trial protocols. Patients are equivalent partners, and researchers need to incorporate patient feedback...
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Aad Liefveld
11-07-2017 19:39
Growing costs of drug development
Over 95% of the clinical studies fail to meet their original time lines and budgets.[1] Between 2006 and 2016 the global spending on drug development grew from $108 billion to over $148 billion.[2] Clinical trials account for 45% to 75% of this cost[3] and in 2012 the life sciences industry was already spending $1.2 billion[4] on patient recruitment alone!
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Aad Liefveld
09-10-2015 23:49
The more I read about patient centricity, the more I get the eerie feeling that there is something wrong, something missing. At first glance the concept is very clear, the strategy and tactics are right and the tools put to use all have an added value. But it still doesn’t feel quite right to me. So what is it?
Being responsible for business development, I fully understand why the...
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