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Join Link2Trials and EFPIA-IMI to improve patient adherence!

Aad Liefveld
3749 (updated: 28-10-2022 15:25)
19-09-2020 11:05

Join Link2Trials and EFPIA-IMI to improve patient adherence!

It is official now! A few weeks ago we have received confirmation from the EFPIA Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) that Link2Trials has been accepted as Associated Partner for the patient adherence improvement project (Call 23, Topic 6).

Patient non-adherence to prescribed treatment is an issue that affects patient health outcomes and healthcare system costs worldwide. It is estimated that it contributes to 200.000 premature deaths in the EU each year[1].

The annual costs in Europe of avoidable hospitalizations, emergency care and adult outpatient visits are assessed at EUR 125 billion and there are similar figures in the US[2].

In addition, poor patient outcomes and resulting lower productivity affect the wider society, estimated in the US as 2.3 times direct healthcare costs.

Addressing the issues of adherence would significantly improve both individual patient outcomes and reduce societal costs.

The goal of Call 23, Topic 6 is the creation of a generalized model, grounded in behavioral theory, which integrates significant factors affecting non-adherent behavior. Factors should include patient motivation, which is critical to adherence.

Combining existing knowledge with advanced data analysis techniques (e.g. machine learning or artificial intelligence) will enable identification of new factors and patterns in the data from which a disease-agnostic baseline model of adherence can be developed.

This would provide a robust definition of the problem – a foundation for understanding and predicting patient behavior – and guidance to develop and implement cost-effective tools and solutions for patients and HCPs which directly target the causes of non-adherence and, ultimately, improve patient outcomes and reduce health system costs.

At Link2Trials we are proud to be part of the industry consortium that has tasked itself to make treatment adherence easier for patients and we are looking forward to share our knowledge on SEHM, a methodology we have developed to improve patient adherence during clinical trials, with the team.

However, creating the necessary understanding for an effective model will require broad engagement and skills, particularly since the project is targeting a disease agnostic model.

The perspectives of patients, healthcare providers, academic experts, behavioral scientists, digital and data analytics experts and regulatory bodies will be essential to maximize the benefits and ensure all sectors of society are well served.

The establishment of a public-private partnership offers the opportunity to generate the necessary breadth of data and bring together the breadth of expertise needed to address these challenges.

IMI welcomes any party who can bring value to this project. If you are interested to join, please check out below link. The dead line for submitting proposals is September 29, 2020!



[1] https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/health_glance_eur-2018-en.pdf

[2]  Luga AO, McGuire MJ. Adherence and Healthcare Costs. Risk Management & Healthcare Policy 2014; 7: 35–44. doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.2147%2FRMHP.S19801

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