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Interview Team members Beamer Project

Simon Klaasen
1275 (updated: 18-04-2023 23:26)
14-04-2023 13:44

As part of their blog series “Lighting The Way”, the BEAMER project interviews team members to discuss one of the six dimensions of quality care—safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity—related to treatment adherence.

For the second edition they spoke with Prof. Dr. João Filipe Raposo (Clinical Director of the patient organization APDP Diabetes Portugal), Aad R. Liefveld (member of our advisory board), and Adrián Quesada Rodríguez of non-profit organization UDG Alliance.

You can read the full interview on the BEAMER website, but here is an excerpt of what Aad R. Liefveld had to say.

“In brief words, can you please let us know who you are and which project partner organization you are representing?

My name is Aad R. Liefveld, and I’m on the advisory board of Link2Trials.

Link2Trials offers patient pre-selection, recruitment, and adherence services for clinical studies. We focus on improving the patient’s experience to fulfill our mission. We also provide services that help our customers run clinical studies as efficiently and effectively as possible.

BEAMER is an IMI-funded project working to develop a model that will help promote better adherence behavior and improve quality care—a word commonly used in health. Before we dive further into the topic, can the readers know what does “quality care” mean for you personally?

Apart from being effective, safe, efficient, equitable, timely, and integrated, quality of care, in my mind, is first and foremost about the person in the center. Someone like you and me, dealing with challenges triggered by their condition and treatment on top of daily life.

That person has an equivalent partnership with HCPs [healthcare professionals] to treat their condition, and the care provided should follow that person’s changing needs across his/her/their health journey.

In this consortium, we see many sectors involved. Each of you, in fact, comes from different backgrounds. So, how can your perspectives, expertise, and even experience come together within the BEAMER project to address the issue of adherence and patient-centeredness?

For Link2Trials, our journey to improve adherence and support for patients started long before BEAMER. Because of the services we provide to the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, we have direct contact with patients, see the challenges before HCPs, and understand the consequences for the pharmaceutical industry and our society.

What Link2Trials brings to the table is that helicopter view, the expertise related to our services plus our commitment and focus on improving the patient experience.

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