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Over a year of hard work from the BEAMER team and the first deliverables are a fact.

Simon Klaasen
1579 (updated: 06-11-2022 13:43)
26-09-2022 13:27

Over a year of hard work from the BEAMER team and the first deliverables are a fact.

Aad Liefveld shared the deliverables for Work Package 1, where the team analyzed the available literature to establish a solid background on the behavioral model that will be used.

  1. 32 theoretical behavioral models have been identified and analyzed in different areas like actionability and patient centricity
  2. The team did a quantitive analysis of the factors affecting patient adherence. The following work packages will use these factors to create the analytical model.


And most importantly, the team also set a definition for adherence and actionability to ensure that the outcome of BEAMER is pragmatic and effective!
Adherence is not limited to medication intake but encompasses the whole treatment, including lifestyle changes.
Actionability means that the model's factors must be pragmatic and useable for patients, HCP's and industry to improve adherence and the patient experience.

Prof. dr. Sjaak Bloem shared the latest results on his Subjective Experience Health model.

Key points:

  1. Adherence and subjective health are significantly related to each other over time.
  2. The higher the perceived acceptance and the higher the perceived control, the better the adherence.
  3. Health is both medical but also the experience of health by the patient.
  4. The model is developed and tested to provide the right patient with the correct information at the right time.
  5. Sjaak gave an insight into the subjective experience of 20.000 patients with several conditions with and without co-morbidity like oncology, neurology, pain, and gastrointestinal disease.
  6. Social status, stage in the condition, and culture are important indicators of health behavior and adherence.


Happy to be able to contribute as Link2Trials to this interesting European project.
Thank you, Elísio CostaJoana Carrilho, and the Porto team, for hosting us at such an excellent venue last week!

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