Learn from people with more than 15 years of experience


How to Recruit Patients for Clinical Trials: A Comprehensive Guide

Simon Klaasen
05-02-2025 15:49
How to Recruit Patients for Clinical Trials: A Comprehensive Guide Recruiting patients for clinical trials is a crucial aspect of clinical research, yet it remains one of the most significant challenges in the industry. A well-executed recruitment strategy ensures that studies are completed on time, improves data reliability, and ultimately accelerates the development of new treatments....Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_18

Aad Liefveld
03-07-2024 12:12
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #18: In what ways does patient feedback onpatientinformation documents contributeto the success of a clinical trial? Patient feedback on study information documents, such as the informed consent form, is invaluable. It ensures these documents are accessible, understandable, and informative from the patient's...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_17

Marjolein Nankman
07-06-2024 15:34
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #17: How does a patient feasibility assessment affect my study timelines? While a patient feasibility study may add a few weeks to the study preparation timeline, it can significantly streamline the entire process in the long run. Conducting a patient feasibility study can streamline the clinical trial process...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_16

Simon Klaasen
23-04-2024 13:54
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #16: Why should I include a patient feasibility assessment in my trial setup process?   Including a patient feasibility is crucial because it ensures the trial protocol and related documents are patient-centric. It helps identify and address potential issues from the participant's perspective, which can...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_15

Aad Liefveld
06-02-2024 11:47
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base.   #15: In what ways does patient feedback on patient information documents contribute to the success of a clinical trial? Patient feedback on study information documents, such as the informed consent form, is invaluable. It ensures these documents are accessible, understandable, and informative from the...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_14

Edwin Swart
18-01-2024 17:04
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #14: How does a patient feasibility study affect my study timelines? While a patient feasibility study may add a few weeks to the study preparation timeline, it can significantly streamline the entire process in the long run. Conducting a patient feasibility study can streamline the clinical trial process by...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_13

Marjolein Nankman
10-01-2024 12:50
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #13: What should the key aspects be of a patient feasibility study? A comprehensive patient feasibility study should address the following key aspects: Inclusion criteria assessment: Evaluate the relevance, clarity, and interpretation of the inclusion criteria to ensure they effectively identify eligible...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_12

Simon Klaasen
10-11-2023 11:34
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base.   #12: Why should I include a patient feasibility study in my trial setup process? Including a patient feasibility study is crucial because it ensures the trial protocol and related documents are patient-centric. It helps identify and address potential issues from the participant's perspective, which can...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_11

Marjolein Nankman
13-09-2023 09:44
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base.   #11: What strategies can be implemented to improve patient adherence in clinical studies?   There are several strategies that researchers can use to influence these factors and improve patient adherence in clinical studies. Some of these strategies include:   Simplifying the study...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_10

Aad Liefveld
16-08-2023 15:43
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. ‌#10: What are the common factors that affect patient adherence in clinical studies?   There are many factors that can affect patient adherence in clinical studies. Some of the most common factors include: ‌ 1️⃣ Complexity of the study protocol: Patients may find it difficult to adhere to a...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_9

Marjolein Nankman
27-07-2023 13:20
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #9: Is patient behavior a factor in adherence and to what extent?   Patient behavior is a key factor in patient adherence to a clinical study protocol. Patients' behaviors, including their beliefs, attitudes, and habits, can influence whether they adhere to the study requirements or not.For example,...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_8

Edwin Swart
11-07-2023 20:05
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #8: Is there a role of patient advocacy groups in online patient recruitment?   Patient advocacy groups play a crucial role in online patient recruitment by serving as intermediaries between patients and clinical trials. These groups often have a network of patients and advocacy organizations they can...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_7

Simon Klaasen
12-06-2023 12:53
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #7: How to integrate online recruitment wit traditional methods for a comprehensive patient recruitment strategy Integrating online recruitment with traditional methods for a comprehensive patient recruitment strategy involves the following steps: Utilize social media platforms: Promote your clinical trial on...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_6

Aad Liefveld
24-05-2023 11:27
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base.   #6: Is there a role of patient advocacy groups in online patient recruitment? ‌ Patient advocacy groups play a crucial role in online patient recruitment by serving as intermediaries between patients and clinical trials. These groups often have a network of patients and advocacy organizations they...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_5

Simon Klaasen
12-05-2023 14:28
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base.   #5: What is patient adherence in clinical trials, and why is it important?   Patient adherence refers to the degree to which a patient follows the instructions and requirements of a clinical study protocol. This can include taking medications as prescribed, attending study visits, completing study...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_4

Marjolein Nankman
12-05-2023 14:24
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #4: How does social media advertising target the right patient demographic for your clinical trial?   To target the right patient demographic through social media advertising, you can follow these steps: Define your target audience: Determine the age, gender, location, interests, and behaviors of your...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_3

Edwin Swart
12-05-2023 14:20
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #3: How do you know what the best visuals are for your online clinical study advertisements?   What are the actual thumb stoppers? We let the patients decide. In our creative brainstorming sessions, we develop many concepts that will work in a particular patient population. Then, we try these different...Read more

Interview Team members Beamer Project

Simon Klaasen
14-04-2023 13:44
As part of their blog series “Lighting The Way”, the BEAMER project interviews team members to discuss one of the six dimensions of quality care—safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity—related to treatment adherence. For the second edition they spoke with Prof. Dr. João Filipe Raposo (Clinical Director of the patient...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_2

Aad Liefveld
09-03-2023 16:05
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #2: How do we measure the effectiveness of online patient recruitment campaigns? We measure the effectiveness of our online patient recruitment campaigns by: Conversion rate: the percentage of visitors to a recruitment website who enroll in a study. Cost per enrolment: the total cost of the campaign...Read more

Link2Trials Q&A_1

Simon Klaasen
02-02-2023 19:46
In this Q&A series we answer questions we have received from our customer base. #1: When you integrate online patient recruitment, don't you create a bias in your clinical trial?Yes, there is a potential for bias in clinical trials that use online patient recruitment methods. The patient population reached through online channels may not be representative of the overall patient population...Read more

Medication Non-Adherence in Rheumatology, Oncology and Cardiology: A Review of the Literature of Risk Factors and Potential Interventions

Aad Liefveld
31-10-2022 13:32
Medication Non-Adherence in Rheumatology, Oncology and Cardiology: A Review of the Literature of Risk Factors and Potential Interventions   A very interesting read, shared by our BEAMER colleagues at Pfizer. It identifies not only risk factors for adherence in three disease areas, but also the potentially most effective interventions to improve adherence. The conclusions of this...Read more

Over a year of hard work from the BEAMER team and the first deliverables are a fact.

Simon Klaasen
26-09-2022 13:27
Over a year of hard work from the BEAMER team and the first deliverables are a fact. Aad Liefveld shared the deliverables for Work Package 1, where the team analyzed the available literature to establish a solid background on the behavioral model that will be used. 32 theoretical behavioral models have been identified and analyzed in different areas like actionability and patient...Read more

Breederode University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam provides a 1-year specific training course for research nurses

Marjolein Nankman
08-09-2022 13:10
Again a very motivated group of Research Nurses becoming experts in their field. Simon Klaasen is happy to contribute with our knowledge of patient recruitment strategies. Breederode University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam provides a 1-year specific training course for research nurses/clinical trial coordinators to become experts in the field of setting up and supporting clinical...Read more

PSL (Patient Site Liaison) journey at Link2Trials

Stephanie Gontijo
07-09-2022 12:57
My name is Stephanie Maria Gontijo dos Santos Lima and I want to share a bit about my journey in the last 4 years with Link2Trials.During the last years of my medical studies, I worked as a PSL for different clinical trials in different countries: from Spain, UK to USA and for studies recruiting people with conditions such as back pain, to diabetes or cancer. Working with recruiting...Read more

An interesting discussion about DCT

Aad Liefveld
30-08-2022 12:49
An interesting discussion about DCT An interesting discussion about DCT, started by Moe Alsumidaie.As a service provider we have supported a number of DCT’s. Some designs worked out fine for patients and sites, others not so much. From what we have seen so far, the successful ones were not technology or decentralization driven but made sensible choices about what could easily be...Read more

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