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Learn about social media and patient recruitment from your peers

Aad Liefveld
5441 (updated: 03-09-2015 14:09)
28-07-2015 16:22

The roundtable discussion we facilitated in London last month, made us aware that there still is a lot of misunderstanding and concerns in the pharmaceutical industry about using social media as an effective tool for patient recruitment and patient centricity.

 We also learned that there is a lot of interest for informal and interactive discussions with peers about this particular subject, provided it is facilitated and kicked-off by an expert willing to share knowledge and experience.

 Link2Trials has successfully been using social media for patient recruitment for years. Therefore we would like to facilitate a number of non-commercial and informal roundtables about this subject in several locations across Europe.

 Please click here to indicate your interest in the roundtable discussions.

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